Sunday, July 13, 2008

What breed is next to be banned?

The ban-crazed McGuinty government was warned that their "pit bull" ban wouldn't work, that the irresponsible and criminal dog owners who are the problem would just switch breeds.

Jim Wilson, an Ontario MPP, wrote a good piece about the McGuinty government's reliance on the optics of "ban" legislation. Read it on Wag the Dog.

Anecdotally, I see that west Lakeshore and west of downtown Toronto is now littered with German Shepherd-type dogs...geez, Mikey Bryant's family breed. Can't wait to see the bite reports over the summer.

An animal hospital in London, Ontario had 2 -8 week old flashy flashy brindle female boxer puppies taken from behind the clinic. These are purebred pups, tattoo numbers A2K 8T and A2K 11T. Police have been called. If you know anything about where these pups are, please leave a comment with your contact info and I'll pass it to the owner.

All the responsible "pit bull" owners are struggling with their dogs, muzzled in the staggering heat and humidity of a Toronto summer, while those with dogs who can and do bite go merrily and unimpeded on their way.

It's the owner, stupid, not the dog.

Perhaps you can't teach any Liberal a new trick, regardless of age?

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