Friday, September 25, 2009

Updates on Toronto Humane and Michael Bryant

Hmm, I may start reading the Globe and Mail more often. It ran some good articles in the last few days.

First, an update on how Tim Trow & Co. are blocking potential candidates from running for the board of directors.

Next, an article on how Tim Trow & Co. are wasting donor dollars on unnecessary, useless litigation instead of spending the money on animal welfare.

Next, an update on the spin Navigator is running for Michael Bryant. Personally, the involvement of the spin doctors makes me nauseous; Bryant already makes me nauseous, without the spin doctors.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Michael Bryant and the McGuinty Liberals subverted the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Michael Bryant and the McGuinty Liberals legislated law-abiding people into second-class citizenship.

Michael Bryant and the McGuinty Liberals put the shameful, draconian tools of reverse onus and balance of probabilities (a lesser test than beyond a reasonable doubt) into legislation.

Michael Bryant and the McGuinty Liberals caused law-abiding people to live in fear and some to leave Ontario because of the Liberals' politically-motivated legislation.

Michael Bryant and the McGuinty Liberals killed thousands of dogs solely because of their shape, while dog owners with politically correct animals that DO bite get a free pass.

I want to see Bryant's case tried with reverse onus and balance of probabilities.

Let Bryant personally know what these draconian provisions feel like.

Aim them at him.

That would be a proud moment for Ontario.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Good stuff

Thought-provoking reading

Broadsides by Antonia Zerbiasis, look for Wheel of fortune. Lots of other good stuff too.

Chicobandido's update on the seized Sarnia pups

Update: Great letter from Dawne Deeley about "pit bull" rhetoric. H/T to KC Dog Blog.