Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Anthracite Awards

Time for the list of "honorees" for a lump o' coal in their stockings, or upside their heads.

All of the Liberian princes who keep sending me e-mails promising millions but never cough up.

Dalton McGuinty and Michael Bryant - the Tortoise and the Hare-less - and the rest of the snivelling Ontario Fiberals for passing a law that makes law-abiding people into second-class citizens and kills unoffending dogs - over 4,000 of them at last count. With no reason for this law other than political gamesmanship.

Legislators pushing unjust, unfounded and ineffective breed-specific legislation - proving that ignorance is curable only if one chooses to be cured. Perhaps it's plain stupidity.

So-called "journalists" who can't be bothered to research a subject but instead write inflammatory headlines and articles and quote spurious "sources" solely for the purpose of fattening the bottom lines of the global conglomerates that control the news we read in mainstream media. Copy the ignorance and stupidity comment here, add a soupcon of greed.

PETA for being the most hypocritical organization on the face of this earth. PETA has nothing to do with animal welfare and everything to do with a hidden agenda. PETA is nothing more than a well-funded, well-marketed lobby group that killed 97% of the animals surrendered to it last year and wants to take away your right to have a pet.

HSUS for being the runner-up most hypocritical organization on the face of this earth. HSUS tried to pimp the Vick dogs to get donations, while calling for their immediate death.

Anyone who abandons an animal. They should be forced to suffer the same fate.

Anyone who hurts an animal or a child. Animal and child abusers are wastes of oxygen. Forget the coal, hang the abusers by the ankles till they bleed from their eyes.

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