Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tri-party introduction of Bill to end Ontario "breed" specific legislation!!!

A Bill was introduced in the Ontario Legislature today by MPP Randy HIllier, co-sponsored by NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo and Liberal MPP Kim Craitor, to repeal Onscario`s unfounded, unjust, ineffective and fiscally irresponsible `breed`specific legislation. My deepest thanks to these people for their intelligence and courage.

You can watch video of Mr. Hillier introducing the Bill here.

Ms. Di Novo, the originator of the Bill, Mr. Hillier and Mr. Craitor deserve thanks for putting aside their political differences to work towards repealing legislation
that made second-class citizens of law-abiding people and killed thousands of unoffending dogs solely because of their shape. that made second-class citizens of law-abiding people and killed thousands of unoffending dogs solely because of their shape.

You rock!

Can`t wait for February 23, 2012 when the Bill will be debated in the Legislature.

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