Thursday, September 6, 2007

If you vote for Dalton, you're a dolt

Premier Pinocchio is busily making promises, promises of what the he** has his government been doing for the last four years? Oh, yea, chasing dog and car owners, seizing private property at whim, and giving away munificent grants without a single application form as backup. Why are these matters suddenly important now? Because he'd sell his soul for a vote, and will promise the moon...purchased with your money, remember.

Remember that Premier Pinocchio went to court to ensure that he couldn't be held accountable for his election promises...and then proceeded to renege on so many, it was stomach-turning.

McGuinty's government went into office without a plan or a clue, and nothing has changed in four years.

Next time Smitherman boasts about wait times, I'll ask him why the he** my geriatric mother waited twelve hours in emerg, and the doctor saw a drug-addled junkie before my hard-working elderly mother. Hmmm, perhaps George has had more of an effect on health care than I previously thought. Or why, the next time she was in Emerg, the nurses couldn't tell me whether she had been admitted because the computer crashed. Seemingly, they were incapable of getting off their bee-hinds and circulating to find out what patients they had in Emerg. IN EMERGENCY. These were not people there for a nail clip, they were IN EMERGENCY. Is there no backup plan to keep track of people admitted to Emergency? Ever heard of pen and paper???

Dalton is attempting to curry favour by making promises on the basis of hurling our money around again, just like GrantScam. He should start courting the special interest groups anytime now. He opposes Tory's plan to fund faith-based education but is Dalton willing to pull the plug on funding RC schools? Bet'cha not. It's grossly hypocritical of Dalton to bash funding of other faith-based education if he's unwilling to stop giving public tax money to RC schools. That would take courage, a character severely lacking in the Fibs.

Flick off, Fibs. Your lights have been out since you've been in office.


Anonymous said...

Hey, don't forget Dolton attended faith-based schools, his kids (hope there aren't as many in this generation) attend faith-based schools and his wife is a blue-collar worker - er, I mean 'teacher' in a faith-based school.

This non-issue will be lost in the haze when John really gets rolling.

The writ drops on Monday.

The Fibs drop on October 10. If everybody's been paying attention for the past four years, that is.

Well, maybe not everybody but enough people to get out and vote these greedy, power-hungry charlatans out of office.

Anonymous said...

[quote]Because he'd sell his soul for a vote[/quote]

Ask for your money back on this deal.

You`d be getting diddley squat!